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Chapter 8- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Destiny make its own way.

After Jai withdrew from class,he started to spend his whole time at hospital taking care of his darling.He used to talk to her a lot,revisiting the memories,their talks had no ending,sometimes his grandma tells her childhood stories,about the time she had spent with his grandpa,how they got married,the places they visited,the dreams they shared together and sometimes Jai would tell her stories back from his college days.He would feed her himself,keep track of her medicines like even nurse could forget but not him.Jai would keep eye on every test of her, timely asking about progress and recovery rate whether the treatment has started working out on her or not.

Before going to bed,he used to read stories to grandma from her favourite books and soon due to sleeping pills,she went into sleep and the nights have become darker for Jai as he found himself losing his precious person day by day a little more,he stopped sleeping at nights fearing that one day he would wake up and she will be not there to share his talks,he started sparing his nights gazing at sleeping grandma and looking outside at the far away lights which seems like a ray of hope in dark.

Dhwani stopped thinking about Jai,she was happy in her own life,all she had in her routine was her family and music centre.She would give classes,go back and spend time with aadi,their family had not so many reasons to live happy but they knew how to find reasons to stay happy no matter what happen.Aadi was joy in their lives,their happiness revolves around him,the only thing that bothers dhwani was her low paycheck,as aadi was growing,the expenses were growing so she started looking home based part-time job so that she could earn some more money during her free time.

Three days passed after he left coaching,the grandma started to looking better although reports were still not good,Jai thought to himself,he has to fulfil his last wish however.He did not wished to waste the days,as everyday felt like it was slipping through hands.

He called Ruhi,asking her if there is any possible way he could have home classes and he was ready to pay more.Ruhi told her, it is not possible for them and Mr.Das is very experienced teacher,he do not prefer going anywhere to give classes.He also mentioned to Ruhi that it was kind of urgent as his grandma has been admit at hospital and he could not visit centre daily leaving her behind.Ruhi replied,I am sorry,I wish her speedy recovery but I am unable to help because of norms also.Jai disconnected in dissapointment.Later,he tried the same at different music centres but somewhere mentors were not available and somewhere they don't give such home based tuitions.

Jai felt miserable,he wanted to make it perfect and complete like his grandpa,he did not want to have just a background music while he sings,he wanted play ukulele like he did.

Dhwani and Ruhi were having coffee break downstairs,while Dhwani asked her if she have any connections out there who could help her in having extra part-time job so that she could earn more and can support her family a little more.Ruhi replied,Dhwani don't you think you are taking so much load on yourself.She added,Ruhi you know how fast aadi is growing,I want a better future for him and you know mom's medicines.Although,everything is in pretty good shape as Di is also there to support our regular expenses but when I think about future,I get worried.

Ruhi listened to her patiently and replied,Dhwani I understand and you are right.Sipping her coffee,she said I have an idea but I know you won't gonna agree.Dhwani asked tell me atleast.She told her about Jai inquiring again for private home classes but as per centre norms no one was allowed to give any personal coaching while working there.Ruhi said,I know it is not ethical,but it could work for both of you.

Dhwani said,you know I can't go beyond contract,I need more money so I was just looking for some minor job of data entry or writing something like that not music.Ruhi said,C'mon Dhwani you don't have to tell anyone, not everyone is honest and you also don't need,anyways your decision he was even ready to pay extra fee,think about it and let me know asap as I am not sure until when he won't find another music centre who would fulfill his requirements.

Before leaving to your workstations,Ruhi turned and said I forgot to tell you that he also have mentioned that he requires it urgently and due to her grandma admitted at the hospital he is helpless about taking regular classes here.

Back at home,looking out of the window at twinkling stars at night she thought to herself,whether she should accept the offer or not as the last things said by Ruhi was revolving in her mind,she started to wondering what could be such emergency.Then,suddenly she remembered how he helped her out of being stranger to her.She thought,this could be best way to return his favor instead with just a Thank you.

She was about to text Ruhi about her acceptance to this,but then she again found herself in the middle of whether she should go beyond contract or not,then she thought to herself,the steps taken for good ends the person to good.She texted Ruhi, I am ready to lie babes,fix up class with Jai.

After 20 minutes,she got revert back from Ruhi,"Jai has some special requirements,he wanted to discuss it with you before starting the sessions.Should I give him your contact number? " Dhwani replied in chaos about what kind of need it could be, "share my contact details, Good night." 


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