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How to Deal with the Society?

Hi fellas, I started writing back few days back, Nowadays I just look around to find new topics to bring up in my blogs which should help my readers in some way in their own lives.

While searching for the motivation for my hobbies, I found something really valuable for one's life, I found mantra to stay positive.

I look around and there is tons of negativity, you go wherever you will find someone or something to led you down, to turn all your positive energy into their own vibes. There is no hard rule to deal with this kind of society. While you read this, keep your mind open, you could be society.

Everyone makes mistakes in their life, not necessarily mistakes there are always phases of ones life, the phase when you find yourself truly dedicates towards your education, the phase where you found yourself stuck in meaningless relationships, the phase you love to stay high as sober seems out of fashion, the phase when you could be as wrong as wrong word is itself to yourself and out of all the phases you know what which is the best phase, when you finally met your true self after running behind all the materialistic things and you just wrap yourself up leaving behind all the mistakes of the past towards the better future to set your all life on the best paths.

Then this time came when the ball came in the society's hands, because nobody who is part of society would be happy to see you finding the right paths setting up yourself in the right direction because they never could do the same.They are cowards who could just sit their ass off all day and pretend being busy but what they actually do is bitching, thinking of all the possible ways to led right people down, to make unnecessary list of things to be jealous from you, and the fact to laugh about is they bitch with the people who actually bitches about them behind their backs and even they do the same.

I being not the part of that society don't have time for shit because I am so busy finding ways to be better version of myself everyday, what I have learnt so far is that if you have will to change your whole life into something meaningful, As I have said in my many blogs to make your life of some inspiration to at least one person around you remembers you forever don't give a fuck to the society, just keep moving.

I boldly took this best step just few days back when I found my blood relation people and few good friends bitch about me behind my back saying all vague things that doesn't matter to me. But it hurts to see people talk about like this behind your back with whom you have spent good amount of quality time.I was so frustrated, angry and hurt.

In that very moment, I did wanted to text them to show them their own faces first before they talk about me or what not, I was so furious, but instead of this I talked about all my feeling with my partner, and decided not to be the part of the society no matter how hard they would try to drag me into their game which leads them nowhere just in the inferiority complex of being left from everyone who is doing great in their lives.

The society would judge you on the basis of your past, your mistakes and for being what you have become. This is constant but you shouldn't be, you should move ahead ignoring all the shits around you, always try to be positive in your life. I have taken my one step ahead in bringing so much of positivity so people who are actually jealous of me would get more jealous because this is fact others jealousy from you, you being topic to talk behind your back is directly proportional to you being at more right place in your life setting goals for others, when they can't achieve they become society when they have courage to do something great they became your true friends.

It's your time to bring some positivity in your life, I have done my part instead of being in heated argument or wasting time thinking and getting hurt by such actions, I took it as the topic for my next blog and added some value to my time and words.

This blog itself is a slap to their second faces, and I already see their first faces scared seeing me growing.

Next turn is yours. If you feel like you belongs to the part of society while reading this blog, It's never too late to move out from such society, just make your choice.

Nothing is bigger than your own life.


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