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Chapter 7- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Will unsaid Thank you will remain unsaid?

Next day,Dhwani ran into Ruhi in lift,they both hugged,started casual chit chatting,when they reached thier floor,Dhwani asked,Ruhi have the guy enrolled for any classes? She replied,whom? walking towards the reception,she spoke the guy who just came when you were not at the seat,then you came.

She settling down on her chair replied,yes he has enrolled for the personal coaching,Mr. Das would be taking his classes from today in 4-5 pm slot.Then, she started teasing Dhwani,"ahem ahem lgta hai ladki ka dil agya" on which she made wierd face saying, nah nothing like that actually he helped me once but somehow I didn't get the chance to thanks him.Ruhi smiled,now destiny have made him met you just for a thanks wow,say it in afternoon.Dhwani replied,but he don't remember me.Ruhi laughed,then let unsaid thankyou remain unsaid.

Dhwani laughed while she was marking her attendance in the register balancing it on the edge of desk,her pressure was so impactful,few papers fell down from the desk as register got imbalanced,picking up papers she got her eyes stuck on a paper,written in bold , "JAI KASHYAP" following further details and assignment of his classes with Mr. Das who was quite experienced at this centre. She left for her classes,thinking to meet Jai in afternoon.

Jai was quite punctual,he reached the centre with his ukulele 10 minutes before the class timings.Dhwani had his classes,from 3:30-4:30 pm.Soon,she finished her class and went straight to find Mr.Das to catch up with Jai.

Dhwani found them after looking everywhere in the last room of the corridor, where Mr. Das seemed jotting some basic first knowledge about ukulele on the blackboard which would be helpful to start for Jai.She didn't want to interrupt them,she kept looking from one of the window at Jai,the more she see him,the more she found herself stuck on him to know his story,she talked with herself, Why he looks like a person who have a lot of things hidden as a brief kind of sadness was there in his eyes,if someone looks straight into his eyes like she looked into his eyes when they met at the reception,she saw him excited while learning,he had spark in his eyes when he hold instrument like it belongs to him since ages.

After a while,she decided to wait till his class gets ended,she made her way to the faculty room.At around 5 pm,she stood up making her way to the same room,as soon she reached there,she found the class empty,she was surprised to see his class getting over before real timings.She went to reception to check on the matter,Ruhi said she doesn't know. Dhwani's heart dropped as she was unable to catch up with Jai.

Next day,Dhwani was unable to even find him at the same timings,she went to check on schedule on the notice board and found that Jai had changed his timings,it was coinciding with hers for the next 3 days so she became unable to catch any glimpse of him,for next few days.

On third day of his coaching,during the session,Jai got a call from the hospital,he immediately ran from middle of the class and found her grandma was having trouble in breathing but the situation was under control.The doctor called him in his cabin again,telling him that It is being difficult day by day as her body was not responding positive to the ongoing treatment and the infection has started trapping her lungs which caused her breathing issues.Jai asked doctor to change the medicine,might be some other medicines would work in her case.The doctore respond,we are trying our best Jai believe me.Jai said,I am sorry,I understand you are doing your job at best.

Worrying about his grandma,he slowly moved to her room thinking he would probably won't be able to attend his classes further as he wanted to stay as close as possible to her and called Ruhi,telling her that he would wished to withdraw his enrollment and he doesn't need his advance payment of fees back.Ruhi was sorted then because all she need to have check on while somebody cancelled enrollment was advance fee payment.She replied,that's okay and feel free to reach out to us when you feel like coming back

The next day,Dhwani was all set to meet him,but she was still unable to find him around,then she again went to notice board and this time she didn't find any schedule for him.She was confused,like why there aren't any classes for him.

She went straightly towards the reception to find out answers to her queries,She said,Hey! Why there isn't any schedule for Jai.Ruhi replied again teasing her,"use dekhe bina rha nh ja rha kya madam se" and started laughing.Dhwani smiled and asked stop pulling my leg and please let me know.Then Ruhi told her about him withdrawing his enrollment,first he left in the midway of the session after receiving a call,later he called me informing me him not wishing to continue.

Dhwani left the reception making way to her class,thinking what would might have happened suddenly,the more she was thinking the more puzzled it started to appearing,first his grief then joining the classes and now suddenly withdrawing.She thought to herself,Will this unsaid thankyou will remain unsaid?.She decided to stop thinking about him,as it seems like a puzzle which will never going to get solved as he already had left the classes.


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