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Chapter 18- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Under the night sky.

While they kept holding each other in their arms, Jai asked Do you feel better now? She replied, it's safe in your arms, you don't judge me. He took her hand and they both sat at cemented blocks at the edge of the terrace,while he kept holding her hand in his. She rests her head on his shoulder, looking at the sky above.Jai said you know you are so beautiful because you have a pure heart.

Dhwani asked,we have met just a few days ago,how could you say that? He replied,like you felt safe in my arms.She interrupted saying,but it's different for you,you saved me while no one was there for me even in the crowd,how couldn't I feel safe.Jai gave her a puzzled look and asked,What I did? She replied,you don't remember me,but I never forget you because I got attached to your pain since the day we have met.

He asked tell me clearly,I ain't getting anything.She looked at him and asked,Do you remember helping a girl at metro bringing down her here when she fell unconscious.He took a while to grasp what she was talking about and replied,Yes I remember but I forgot her completely as grandma news broke in,I was all lost.She looked straight into his eyes and replied,that's me.He was amazed,and asked seriously? You? She responds,Yes even I came to say thank you but I saw from small glass window,you were crying holding grandma's hand seeing the gravity of the situation,it went unsaid.Later on,we met at the centre,I got very excited and said Thank you and you gave me the same puzzled look like you just did.

They both laughed.Then I kept watch on you,saw you playing the ukulele with Mr.Das with a different kind of childish shine in your eyes but the more I was getting closer to you,the more you were going away,you left the classes.Jai was grasping everything which was revolving around him and he had never known any of it.

Dhwani kept on saying,the more I used to think about you,the more I was getting puzzled because first I saw you crying at the hospital then you came to learn a musical instrument and soon you left it also but you know the more puzzle you were in my story,the more simple you are in person,I like your simplicity,you are like an open book,It's just you speak less from words and more from your eyes.

Finally,our hide & seek came to end and our destiny brought me here with you so now I am here and you are here,Dhwani stood up in front of him took both his hand in hers said,thank you for saving me that day.Jai holds her hand back with little pressure and bowed his head on her hands saying,I am thankful to you,you came in our life.You made us laugh with our whole heart,you bring back the lost smile,the lost joy from our lives,and the list keeps going.I want to say to you,thank you please stay by my side.She smiled looking into his eyes saying,I'll.

Jai put the blanket on the floor,they both sat there side by side stretching their legs in front on the floor,looking up in the night sky kept talking about their lives,Jai told her about his college days,his business,his small circle of friends,his favourite color to favourite sport,his painting passion phase on which she replied I have seen blank canvas downstairs,why haven't you painted anything until yet? to which he replied looking for inspiration.Dhwani told Jai about her family,about aadi,about her life at music centre,about Ruhi and how she teases her by his name,about Di talking slowly slowly bend her head on his shoulder,while Jai asked her, Why Mehr Di lives with you? What happened with aadi's father? Where is he?

There was no response from Dhwani,he looked at her saying tell me.He saw she went into sleep talking.He smiled looking at her,tucking her hairs behind her ear which were falling on her face kept sitting looking at the sky for a while.

Jai took Dhwani in her arms wrapping the blanket around her and took her downstairs and made her sleep on the couch adjusting her hairs,putting his hand on her head gently without disturbing her sleep went to the chair beside the grandma.

He kept looking at her from distance thinking how she felt attached with me through my pain,how she reads his eyes,how she returned the favour of helping her little by devoting her care,love,and time here with them in hospital then he told himself,darling was right,always help everyone,it will come back to you as blessing as she came into our lives turning our monotonous life into the joyful one.

Meanwhile Jai laughed thinking that she stayed over so he could sleep and is now sleeping open-mouthed putting her three fingers on her cheeks,he went close to her and shut her mouth and thought how beautiful she is but always keep her behind this braided ponytails and stall.

Jai's eyes fell on blank canvas while he was lost in his thoughts,he looked at blank canvas and then at Dhwani and murmured,I think,I have got the inspiration.He took his brushes and color pallet and start painting again like he used to do earlier.

After hours of working hard,he looked at his painting and then at Dhwani and smiled thinking,She was right,I still have those hands which knew how to paint,I could paint like I used to do.It's the same as I wanted it to be.

It was 7:00 am in the morning when Dhwani woke up.While she opened her eyes,Jai came in the room with two cups in his hands.Dhwani gave him a look doubting him what he might have brought now said,What's this? He replied, another shot of vodka.She looked at him putting her hand on his head because of the headache said,very funny.They both laughed.Jai passed her the cup saying,It's lemonade,you won't feel hangover after having this.Dhwani replied,I don't believe you,you can mix anything into anything.Jai laughed saying,I told you not to sip my coffee but you didn't listen to me.

Dhwani looked at the time and said,I need to go back now,Aadi will be waiting for me.She freshened up while Jai brought the breakfast and asked her to have breakfast before she leaves.

Darling was still sleeping,they both had breakfast while Dhwani asked him,Have I said something that I shouldn't have,last night? Jai replied,No whatever you said,it made my last night,one of the best night I ever had.Dhwani said,I am sorry,I didn't tell you earlier that I am the same girl,he laughed,you told me or not doesn't matter to me,I am happy you came into our life that's enough for me.Now no sorry,no thankyou in friendship.She smiled back.

She saw the time again,it was 9:30 am already,she asked Jai to drop her off,she went near to darling kissed her forehead and said, tell her I'll come back soon when she will wake up.Jai nodded,and went along with her to drop her off to the parking,waved bye to her.While their car was about to move,he stopped saying do you want to get scold by Aadi? She replied why? He took the big box full of chocolates from the back of the car passing her said,you forgot his chocolates.She smiled and said,Jai you saved me,thank you.He replied told you,no more sorry and thank you.She smiled back.


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