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Chapter 11- Don't uglies have right to Love? - I will stay with you.

Next Dhwani reached hospital,the grandma looked little upset today,Jai was out with doctors checking on progress reports of his darling.

Jai asked if there is some good news? the Doctor replied,not good so far Jai,I know you are trying well to keep her happy,in most of such cases we could have sent the patient to their home in their space to spend their rest of days with family but she needs constant observation,we are not in condition to send her back.

Our team of doctors have decided to try stem cell therapy on her.Jai asked,Is it risky? Doctors replied,not really we just need to make her undergo small surgery.Jai out of curiosity asked,what this will exactly do? The doctor briefed him about the therapy telling him, we will push some cells into her body,which will increase her immunity and help other cells to recover themselves so that organs could heal internally and start functioning properly.Jai grasping all the information replied,when we need to go for this? He replied,we are planning it for tomorrow,just get her ready for this.

Jai came back to the room looked at grandma who was chatting happily with Dhwani telling her stories from her young age,how she used to eat puchka's for just 1 rupee,she used to steal mangoes from neighbour's mango tree and other funny stories that Jai have already heard thousands of times since childhood.

Darling asked Jai,what happened? How's report? He replied,they are going to try new stem cell treatment on you,that's not risky at all,you just have to undergo minor surgery,they are planning it for tomorrow,will it be okay with you? Grandma smiled,yes of course,I am your strong darling.Three of them passes a smile to each other,then Jai asked grandma to rest while they could discuss their work downstairs in cafeteria.

They went to terrace to start their practice,Dhwani asked Jai,Have you practiced chords? He replied,yes just after grandma slept I have practiced it in night.Let me play it for you,Dhwani kept looking at him while he show him playing all the chords,soon after he ended,Dhwani clapped in joy and said wow Jai,you are amazing it seems like you have practiced it a lot,you just have to practice few specially E,Jai gave her sad look,but you told me that we don't need chord E,Dhwani started laughing,I am just kidding.Why are you so scared to try it? He added,because I don't have much time.She stopped laughing,said I am sorry Jai.

Jai face fall out of worry.Dhwani asked him,tell me what you are thinking? I know I am still a stranger to you but you can share your worries with me,sharing your problems makes them less problomatic.He smiled and replied,doctors have told me that this isn't much risky but at her age undergoing surgery,I am feeling scared about it.Dhwani placing her hand on his shoulder replied,Jai she is lively soul,don't worry she will survive through this.Let's wish this treatment would start working on her.Just be positive soon she will start recovering.Jai smiled back nodding the same.

Jai said,Have you noticed those lights extending her arms in the far away direction,She looked there and replied these are really beautiful.I always look at them in nights,I find them like hope,they seem so far yet so close.Dhwani replied,like these lights soon your life will also brighten up.Now get to back to lessons,you don't know me,I am very strict teacher.He laughed.

They kept practicing those chords to have good hands on chords before they start with real song.She made him learned,Happy Birthday Tune,so he could have practice with real tune before they start practicing "Lag ja gale".Jai was quick learner,he learned it very early.Dhwani,picked out her notepad and started jotting down chords by drawing chord chart of Happy Birthday,so Jai could practice them later on after she left.

It was time to leave for Dhwani,she handed over the paper to Jai to practice.She went to meet grandma before leaving,grandma asked her,Will you be here tomorrow? I want to see you before I leave for surgery,what If I would not stay after it.Dhwani put her finger on her mouth and said,you know after meeting you,I have realised to love my life more than anything that happened to life.You are not going anywhere,there's still a lot more to learn from you yet.Grandma hugged her.

They started to move towards parking while Jai said,I know you can't come tomorrow at the time of surgery,don't worry I'll make some excuse.Dhwani replied,I'll apply for leave and will be here,we are here for her and I would love to do whatever makes her happy.She stopped walking,turned towards Jai looking straight into his eyes,Jai I will stay with you.Jai thought to himself,how could someone be full of this much love for someone whom they have met just few days ago.Dhwani's affection towards his grandma was attracting Jai towards Dhwani day by day.

Dhwani buzz Jai asking him,Where have you lost Jai? He smiled.My driver will come to pick you up tomorrow.She smiled back saying I'll  text you the timings and they were at the car by now.

Standing near the car,Jai waved bye to her,again instructing driver to drive carefully and wait until she gets into her home.Dhwani laughed and said,Jai nobody is going to kidnap me c'mon.Jai replied,you are my responsibility Dhwani,she looked at him for a moment,he said I mean dropping you off at your home safely is my responsibility.

Jai turned to make his way back to grandma,Dhwani called out him from behind,he stopped then she asked,Jai can I ask you for something? He said, yes tell me please.She told him,when I entered into room,darling looked upset,when I asked her the reason she told me,she miss being at home,being in her room where she could still feel presence of grandpa and then she also told me she don't wanna stay up here in her end days.Jai looked worried hearing all of this.Then Dhwani took his worries off, by saying don't worry I had talked with her about being hopeful that she would survive and go back to her place.She would be able to feel the presence of grandpa,once again.

Jai sensed the change of tone in Dhwani's voice,asked what happen Dhwani your tone got changed? She replied,Jai I know, I might have given her false hope,her reports aren't good and there is no sign of treatment being working out on her until now but I had no choice,doctors have already told you they can't give permission to discharge her.We can't take her home,but can we bring home here for her? Jai looked at her with excitement asking how? She had spark in her eyes after seeing Jai' reaction,I think you can bring her room stuff here and make her room look like one in her home.I'll help you in getting this done,we could make changes while she will be undergoing the surgery,it would be great surprise for her and personally I feel this will help her in speedy recovery when she will find herself happy and comfortable in hospital.

Jai said to her,you are just amazing,why haven't I thought of this.let's do this tomorrow.She raised her hand in excitement for high-five,he looked puzzled then gave her high-five,she took her seat and waved bye from window once again

After she left,Jai had a constant smile on his face remembering her excited face and child like eyes full of hope and love.


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