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Chapter 3- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Nostalgia.

It was silence through the floors of hospital,the only sound which was echoing was of turning of scrapbook's page.Jai was sitting beside his peacefully sleeping grandmother,looking at the pictures from old scrapbook,the pictures were clicked like they were speaking themselves,he started turning pages one by one,remembering all those days when his granny whom he calls darling,was so healthy,charming and full of life.Then,he looked at his darling's pale face and dull skin due to her sickness,a tear rolled down his cheeks.

He turned page,there was picture when he was just born and her granny was blessing him to save him from evil's eyes.There were tears in her eyes,when he first saw him showing how much happy she was when Jai was born.
Another shot was of him taking bath naked crying while his darling was trying to make him smile with duck toy.He smiled after seeing her efforts to cheer him up like she does since his birth.

Next one was from living room where he had drawn his first drawing with crayon on all over the wall.He was standing on sofa,with crayon in his hand and behind him was his masterpiece, consists of a house,few trees,a mountain, a river and a small boy holding hand of an old woman standing outside their house.Then there came a picture where he started going school,the first day of his school where his granny was hugging him before he enters the school.

Then lots of random pictures came,doing homework,of fancy dress at school,from swimming classes,painting in drawing book,some were from their visit to amusement park,pictures of visiting gurudwara,few were of sports day where he participated in different activities like lemon-spoon race,sag race,relay race and many more.

There was constant smile on Jai's face while revisiting all those golden days with his darling. He started turning pages with more excitement to see what coming next, but soon his smile fell and excitement went away, as he turned the page,there was a picture when he was just born at hospital in his father's hands while his father was kissing his mother who was lying on the bed just after delivery.They both looked happy though his mother seemed in pain but was smiling whole heartedly.This was the only picture,he had with his mom and dad.

He closed the scrapbook without looking at the picture more than even 5 seconds,placed it back in the bag,took a glass of water and moved to the hospital window looking outside at the far away lights lost in his own thoughts,he turned back and looked at his granny and talked to himself, what would I do without you being here.Then,he looked at the sky, saying please god not her.

It was midnight, suddenly he received a text from his dad from London,"Hi Jai, Sorry I was busy in back to back meetings, mom have been fine by now. Hope, I don't need to travel to India?". He smiled in anger and murmured to himself, you never cared and you never will, immediately replying, "You don't need to worry, Mr. Kashyap, we are good here without you, you keep up with your business and meetings,that's more important since forever".His dad didn't replied,neither he was expecting.

He went up to his darling, looked at his face with love kissing his head, sat beside her holding her hand, bowed his head down talking slowly saying we don't need your son,everything will be fine, I will not let you go, you'll be fine.Jai kept repeating his words,you'll be fine, soon went to sleep beside his granny.


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