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Chapter 26- Don't uglies have right to Love? - The Last Session.

Dhwani was on coffee break with Ruhi,when she received call from Nitya,She called her to remind her about the upcoming Job fair,Dhwani replied,yes I remember,even I have ready few sample interview questions,I'll make girls practice this saturday.Nitya said,thanks Dhwani you have been great support,See you soon.She hung up.

Ruhi asked,what's the matter? Dhwani told her about the biggest job fair where girls will be hitting to get their dream jobs.Ruhi looked at Dhwani with disappointing eyes and said,I don't think so,it's a good idea for them,they will just get demotivated,you don't know about the world,Dhwani.She replied,Ruhi we can't stop trying thinking about the defeat.The girls have to stand for themselves,Ruhi I know you are concerned.I just can't make them feel unmotivated even without trying,If I'll do this,they will simply stop trying.Ruhi replied,yes you are right,Dhwani.I just hope,they come back with happy faces.

Ruhi asked,So hows going with Jai? Is grandma got discharged? And this pendant is looking so pretty,from where you have bought it.Dhwani blushed after the question which made Ruhi sure about from where it has come.She started teasing,okay blushing,so it must have been your birthday present.Dhwani replied,yes it is.Ruhi replied,so I can say now,love has started emerging between you two.She replied,you and Di says same thing,but it nothing like that,it's just friendship.

Ruhi hugged Dhwani and said,whatever it is,love,friendship or just two people sharing their lives,I am so happy to see you happy with Jai.Dhwani smiled saying,you are indeed my best friend.Ruhi replied,Only I am right? Jai isn't? I don't want to share you.They both laughed and get back to work.

Dhwani reached hospital,Jai was waiting for her at entrance.She became tense to see him there and went close to him asked,What happen? Is grandma all right? He replied,Dhwani I just had words with Doctor,grandma.Dhwani asked,what grandma? Tell me Jai what's wrong with her? Tell me.He replied,she is doing really well and we will be able to take her home soon,I am just waiting here,for my parcel.She hit him and said,Are you mad Jai? You made me scared.He replied,why you worry a lot buddhu.She replied,I hate you,I am going upstairs.He laughed.

She went to meet darling,she asked her to show the pendant,Dhwani was wearing it on hand still,showed darling her hand,Darling said,this is really pretty like you.Anyway,I loved the sweets,say thanks to your mom side.I heard about all the fun you all had,I wish,I would have been there.Dhwani, went to couch on which she placed the box of pastry and her bag,brought the pastries and said,my celebrations with you is still pending.I'll not let you miss it darling.She put her hand on Dhwani's head and said,Beta God bless you,you brings happiness in everyone's life,you deserve everything.Dhwani replied,more than me,my girls need your blessings,I told you about the NGO,I am.part of,a big job fair is going to happen in Delhi,we are looking forward for positive response from.there,Grandma replied,I wish them luck.

Jai entered and said,I smell butterscotch here,Grandma smiled,Yes Dhwani brought pastries.How you always know what I love? She smiled because darling knows and she tells me all your secrets.Everyone laughed,Dhwani cut the pastry along with grandma and Jai,while everyone sang "Happy birthday to you" song.Darling took a bite of it and made Dhwani eat,while Jai was feeding her from.his spoon,grandma put one finger in pastry and put cream on Dhwani's cheeks,Dhwani and Jai looked at her with surprise and they all broke into laugh.She said,I know nobody gave you cake facial but I love to give it.Jai told Dhwani,she is always the first one to do cake makeup.They laughed,then Miss Rozy came for routine checkup.They left,excusing them about work.

They went upstairs,sat on cemented block,Jai brought out his ukulele and was about to say something to Dhwani looked at her and started laughing,She said what happen? He replied,cake is still on your cheeks.She put her hand on her cheek to clean asked where? He signaled him with his fingers there,go bit right,Dhwani went left,He repeated,I said right.She said,huh I don't know where it is.Jai kept laughing meanwhile.

She gave him a look in anger because he was constantly laughing.Jai said,okay baba don't give me this look,let me.clean it for you,he jumped off his block and went near to her,taking out his handkerchief wiped her cheeks to clean off the cake residues.They both were so close to each other,Dhwani was able to feel his breath,both became silence.He touched her cheeks so gently,She could feel his soft caring touch at her cheeks.Jai looked into her eyes and lost himself into her eyes.They both kept looking at each other.

Suddenly a cat came near her legs,she felt something touching her legs,without seeing what was it,she shouted.Thier eye contact got break,Jai looked down,it was a cat,who got scared and jumped off to other side of the terrece.He started laughing saying,you get scared out of a cat,seriously.Dhwani said,I am not scared of cats,I just didn't knew it was just a cat.

He went back to his side of cemented block and got settled.Dhwani asked him to play,telling him to sing along with it,don't think I am here,just play through your heart,get lost into it.If you'll sing through heart,it will touch everyone's heart.He smiled and started playing along with lyrics,"Lag ja gale,ki fir haseen raat ho na ho".He went lost into his singing closed his eyes while Dhwani kept looking at him with closed eyes to feel the music completely.After he completed and opened his eyes,he looked at Dhwani,her eyes were still closed.He budged her,She looked at him and said,shit man! I was completely lost into melody of this song and your voice.It really touched my heart.Jai asked,seriously? She replied,yes look at me,I got goosebumps even.He smiled at her saying,we did it? Really? She replied,yes we did,it's just so perfect.They high-fived in excitement.

Dhwani asked so whats next for the day? We are done with the performance,let's plan out everything and prepare as we have just one day left.Yes,you are right,we have very less time,how would we do that.Jai looked concerned.Dhwani picked out her diary saying,let's make to-do list and we will be good to go,we will divide task among us,don't worry I am here to help you.He smiled,you are saviour.She wrote down,cake.He added,make it pineapple one,darling love this flavor.She corrected it and wrote other few decoration stuff like balloons,Happy Birthday banner,flowers,glitters and other items to decorate the room.He added,Dhwani why don't you also play something for her.She replied,I have special surprise for her.Jai replied,oh! So tell me what's that? She replied,No not at all,it's surprise for you both.

Jai said loud,shit Dhwani,I totally forgot.She asked what? I told you about how grandpa used to celebrate her birthday,he used to sing and at the end,used to take her hands into his and dance with her while singing.She replied,that's superb.What's matter in that,you can do that in the end.Right? He replied,yes I can but I do really need practice.Will you help me? She replied,Jai I have never danced before like this.

Jai insist her,c'mon let me teach you,you taught me something now it's my turn.She said,No Jai,I am seriously bad at dancing,trust me.He jumped off from his block and took her hand in his saying, Sssshhh,let's give it a try.She blinked her eyes,saying okay.He took her one hand and placed it on his shoulder,while asked her,May I? Before putting his one hand on her waist.She replied,yes sure.Then he placed his one hand on her waist,then from another one,he hold her another hand and guided her to,move her right leg backward when he will put his left leg forward and similarly on other legs.He asked,got it? She nodded in confirmation,yes.Then,he added after this,just take my hand-roll on the left side,then come back,hold my finger and just revolve around placing one hand on her back.She nodded okay then? He said,that it,see how simple it is.She smiled.

He asked,so ready for practice? She said in nervousness okay.He moved her left leg forward and she also moved her left one,then he again tried again they did the same mistake.She said,Jai I told you,I am bad at this.Jai replied,you can do this,now follow my instructions.He said right and moved his left leg forward,she took her right leg backward,then he said left and moved his right leg forward,she took her left leg backward.He said,now let's try to move this step quickly,she replied with enthusiasm,okay.

This time,he didn't make any voice instructions,they did this step quickly 5-6 times correctly,she jumped out of joy saying,this is wonderful.He laughed,okay now roll on left,she did it gracefully,he added come back hold my finger,she came back hold her finger in air,he instructed,now revolve,she started revolving and got imbalanced,he said put your one hand behind your back,it will give support in taking turns.She did the same.Dhwani's face was full of excitement as it was her first dance,Jai asked now let's do final practice,I will also sing along with it.She nodded in excitement.

He took her hand in his,started singing,synchronizing his steps with her,while she did exactly what he had told.Dhwani had a brief smile on her face while dancing with him.Jai kept singing looking into her eyes,she started revolving around holding his finger in air,the stars were shining above them in the sky full of dark,the silence surround them.Cool breeze was flowing,Dhwani's hairs were blowing with the wind.It was just of two of them,in the moment and that song,to which both went lost.Dhwani's leg got imbalanced,she was about to fall,Jai took hold of her in his arms.They both started laughing,Dhwani said,How many times you are going to catch me like this? He replied,until you stop falling.They both laughed,saying it is just amazing,the surprise is ready,also we have made list of things to do for celebrations.

Jai looked at Dhwani and said,thank you it would not have been possible without you.She replied,no Jai,you made everything possible,I just helped you along the way.I am happy to be part of this journey.I got family like love,care and specially your friendship.You have given me so much,I should thank you but we had dealt no sorry no thank you,so we both will not say thank you.He smiled back at her and replied,now I am just waiting to take her home,it will be best day of my life.She said,I wish same everyday.

She was packing her stuff,while Jai went to put his ukulele back.Jai phone was there on the block,it started ringing,she shouted Jai your phone is ringing.He replied,the gate is not closing,please answer the call.It was Miss Rozy on the line,she picked up the call.After a while,she shouted,Jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.He came back running in hurry asked what happen,Dhwani was all in tears,his phone fell off her hands,she said,Darling.He asked,what Dhwani? What happened to her.Tell me,who was on-line? She went blank,Jai asked tell me Dhwani,what's wrong.She didn't uttered any word,he took his phone off the ground and saw last call from Miss Rozy,he said Dhwani sit and hurriedly he ran downstairs to grandma's room.


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