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Chapter 24- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Life happens with everyone.

Next Day,They decided to practice at Dhwani's place and meanwhile they would be able to celebrate her birthday with her family.

Jai asked Miss Rozy for favor one more day,she smiled and replied,anything for you and grandma.He became so happy after hearing this,he already have told grandma about the invitation.He went back and found doctor around her checking her regular observations.Jai asked How is she doing? Doctor smiled,the reports are really good,she is showing positive response.I am glad to see such response at her age.Jai thanked doctor.He left saying,keep up good care of her.

After doctor left,grandma said,see I am getting better,you don't need to be around me always.Jai go ahead and live your life to fullest.He told her, I love to be around you,only you have insisted me that's why I asked  Miss Rozy and she said she could stay with you.He hold grandma's hand and said,I wish you could join us too.I speak over phone to Dhwani,she was saying also,it would have been best if you could have made it .Grandma smiled,If I live longer,I'll be with her on her next birthday.Jai cut her in middle saying,please darling don't say like this.You are doing well,you'll soon be discharged.It's just few days observation by the team,then you'll be coming to home.

She smiled and said,okay baba now please tell me about last night.He became shy.Grandma asked,tell me na,I was waiting for you.Was she happy? Did she loved your present? What else you have done? Where you took her to except restaurant? She kept bombarding questions on him.Jai said,stop darling take a breath,telling you everything.

They both laughed,He told her she loved the food and ambience of the restaurant,I let her order for two of us and you know darling,she ordered my favourite chicken wings.You both chit-chat about me a lot ,right? She smiled.He continued,then we sat at pool side and talked endlessly about our lives,us and things around everything,I don't know why but everything can be turned into a talk with her from little droplet of rain to huge mountains to anything.By the way,she is allergic to ornaments around her neck,so I felt dumb about my present but as you know,she always comes up only with ideas,she made me happy by wearing it as bracelet.Grandma smiled saying,she is one of blessed children who born to spread happiness.He replied,Indeed! She is.

Then when we were coming back,I let her drive the car.Grandma asked in curiosity,but she doesn't know how to drive,how? He replied,I guided her and it was fun to try on something crazy like this,first few meters were zig zag but after a while she drive well.She smiled,hearing this.Then,I dropped her off and she invited me for today.Grandma looked at him,are you sure this is it? He was blushing by now,said darling,yes.She said,sure again? He laughed,okay I surrender,she left saying goodnight but then came back hugged me and thanked me for giving her best birthday eve of her life.Grandma smiled saying,you both are so lovely.

Jai started thinking something for a while,grandma asked what happen? He replied,I don't know exactly but we met Abhay at restaurant,he has been recently recruited and was inspired by me in his life,so when he got to know,I was there,he showed up to meet me.But the strange part was,he knew Dhwani and she wasn't so comfortable around him.Even she replied in harsh tone to him.Grandma asked what? Jai replied,Actually Abhay said are you guys dating? Before I could have spoken anything she shut him off saying it shouldn't bother you.I didn't ask much avoiding it not to ruin our time.Darling replied,she would tell you herself,don't worry.

Mehr Di,Aadi and Dhwani's Mom, woke her up singing happy birthday to you,while they had balloons in their hand,Aadi hugged her showing his drawing he made it as a present to her.She became so happy,and hugged everyone saying Thank you so much.Maa said,Dhwani get up,take bath and get ready we will visit temple today to pray for your long life.She replied,okay I will get ready soon,Aadi said meanwhile,I'll also come along,I love prasad,yum-yum besan ladoo.All laughed.Mehr asked her mom,to get Aadi take bath.They both left the room.

Di hugged her again and sat beside her asking,so how was your birthday eve? I was so curious to know,yesterday you came late,didn't got time to ask.Dhwani blushed.Mehr replied,ahann tell me,it seems interesting.She replied,Di first promise me you'll not tease me.Mehr replied,deal.She told her that he reserved a slot for perform in front of so many people at cyber city.Everyone loved my performance,it was like a dream Di.I felt like,I was flying,living my dream for the first time.

Di asked curiously then,what was next? Then,he took me for dinner at his restaurant,it had beautiful ambience,he even did performed for me.Then we ate,cut cake and there were lot of talks,pictures and it was just two of us for whole time.I even didn't realise when time got passed with him.Di replied, that's amazing.Then? She said ,wait and took out pendant from the side drawer of her bed,showed to Di saying this is what he gifted me,Isn't this pretty? Di replied,pretty this is just eye-catching.

Then Dhwani went lost into thought,Di asked what happen,She replied,nothing Di,when I try to live or get happy in my life,my past come back and stand in front of me like yesterday I met Abhay at restaurant.Mehr said,Dhwani world is so big yet so small,that's why you ran into him out of context,don't get bothered ignore him,Jai had given you much more better things to remember about to night.She smiled back and said yes.Di asked,so he coming today right? She replied,Yes he will come bit early,so we would be able to even practice.

Later that evening,Jai reached at her place and rang the doorbell,Dhwani came to open the door,the moment she opened the door,Jai became nervous to visit her place for the first time and there was same.nervousness on Dhwani's face,they both waved at each other,she asked him to come inside,he went in and gave her the flower bouquet and said,you are looking even more beautiful in traditional Indian suit.She replied,thanks.

He went upstairs with her,he found Aadi playing game on his play station.Mehr Di and Dhwani's Mom,welcomed him while he touched her mom's feet,she blessed him with lots of happiness and success in his life.He told Di,that Dhwani keep talking about you and how delicious food you make,so finally I have got chance to taste it.Mehr replied,yes I have made your favourite dishes,pasta and manchurian.He smiled back saying,wow.Dhwani called out Aadi,to come and greet Jai.He replied,maasi I can't pause it now,I am.on tough level.Di also called him saying,Aadi come here,stop playing,close your game or else I won't let you play it again.Jai interuppted both saying,I should go to him and have boys fun.They both smiled and said,yeah.

Jai went to Aadi and sat beside him seeing his game said,You look busy.He replied,yes I am on crucial stage,I have been trying to pass this level since few days,but this is really tough.Jai smiled,hey champ I am Jai,your maasi's friend.He replied,Hi buddy.Then,while talking Aadi lost that level again,he said oh No! Jai looked at his sad face and said,can I help you with this? He said,okay you can try.Jai started playing the game,on every point they would shout in joy,had high-fives and cheered each other to get more points,while Mehr and Dhwani were looking at them from the kitchen,Mehr got tears in her eyes.

Dhwani asked what are you thinking Di? She replied,nothing I have never seen Aadi enjoying anybody's company like this,he don't have anybody to have this kind of boy's fun,if Nikhil would have not left us like this,today Aadi would not have been deprived of anything like this.Dhwani patted her back saying,c'mon Di,it's not like that we both will learn how to play and then will help him.with his boy's stuff,she laughed.Suddenly,they both heard the loud voices saying,yeahhhhh we did it.They passed that level,Aadi danced in joy and hugged Jai saying you are best buddy.

Dhwani came to them with orange juice and some.snacks,asked Aadi,so you like Jai? He replied,I love my buddy maasi.She replied,Oh! Jai is your buddy now.He smiled and ran back into room saying,I am bringing my puzzles and toys to play with buddy.Jai noticed,Mehr crying while they were playing.He asked Dhwani,Is everything okay? I saw Di crying.She replied,nothing she just got emotional seeing Aadi so happy and having someone to have boys fun.He asked,Dhwani you haven't told me yet,what happened to his Dad? She was about to say something,Dhwani's mom came in and said,Dhwani I have to buy few things,please come.along with me.Dhwani excused herself,saying I will come back in few minutes,you be please comfortable and if you need anything,you can ask Di without any hesitation.She went with her mom.

Jai finished his juice and went to kitchen to put his glass back.Mehr was cooking food,said Jai why you came in,please take it as your own home,don't be so formal,you could have asked Aadi.He replied,I am feeling it like my home so I don't mind helping here.Now tell me,should I chop something for you.She laughed,No Jai please you sit and relax while Dhwani come back,you can have sometime with Aadi.He insisted to help and took out a plate and start cutting salad,telling Mehr about his restaurant chain and he sometimes goes there and do little stuff like chopping,plating or sometimes he tries his hands on cooking.Then he asked Mehr,What do you do? She replied,I give tuitions to middle classes.He replied,well that's great.

Mehr said,Jai thankyou.Jai asked why Di? She replied,for helping Aadi,sometimes I feel he really need some guy in his life for few stuffs like yesterday he told me angrily that what can I do for him? When even I can't help him,passing a level in a game.Jai replied,kids tend to say such things sometimes.Don't get upset about it.She replied,yes I know,he apologised after that but I realised it was true,there are so many things a child become deprive of when the child gets raised by single parent.

Jai looked at Mehr and said,I am sorry.When Did it happened,Aadi must have been so small.She replied,Don't be,he is still alive.Jai looked at her with questioning eyes.Yes,you heard it right.Aadi's father Nikhil is still alive,it's just he left us.I got married to him,it was all beautiful,our bond,our relationship,our marriage was beautiful,it was arrange marriage but I fell in love with him,because he was so caring husband.Jai asked then what happened? She replied,when I was pregnant with Aadi,he got an opportunity in America,his company wanted him to get shifted to USA,I was pregnant and was not able to take the long flight.It was so sudden,we didn't got time to shift entirely there like immediately.I supported him to live his dreams and allowed him to go,I kept regretting my decision since many years after he left but then I realised,he wasn't mine,he would have done the same,if he would have stayed in India as well.

Jai asked,what Nikhil did? She continued,Aadi got born,he was happy and we were also planning to get me and Aadi shift there,but the Visa process took sometime,and after 8 months I got to know,Nikhil fell in love with some American girl over there and he don't want to get back to us.He sent me divorced papers and I signed them without even thinking,because I can fix broken marriage out of fight,misunderstandings,thinking clashes but I can't fix a broken marriage without not having love in it.So that's how we got separated,he never looked back,he never even came to see Aadi.

Jai replied,I am sorry Di if telling everything have hurt you.She replied,No it didn't,that part is over,I am looking ahead with my head up high,I gave my best in our marriage and now I am a capable person to be mom and dad both for Aadi.Jai smiled at her saying,you know, you are a real superhero.She smiled back,he added,I can understand the pain being left behind,at least you are here for Aadi,my mom and dad both,never cared about me,over the years mom even got disappeared from.our lives.Dad is there,but just as a name behind my first name,nowhere else.Aadi is a lucky child,he got a mom like you.

Mehr smiled at Jai.Then,he showed her the plate of salad that he decorated,she replied,you really got skills.He replied,thanks.Then it was silence,Jai asked,Di don't you feel hurt for not having a normal life-like others? She smiled and replied,Jai it is way more better than that,If I would have been with Nikhil,I would just have been Mom and his wife,now I am Mehr,independent,fearless and can take care of my child all alone.Yes,it does hurt seeing normal families,but you know what broken is beautiful somewhat,we have a small family here,not a perfect one,but we know how to support each other,how to take stand for ourselves,how to live life at fullest even though when life refuses to give you that chance.

This is beautiful Jai,when Nikhil left me,I thought it was end of my life,but Dhwani showed me the different angle of my life and made me realised,family doesn't always means to have mother, father and children,family can be anywhere,few people caring and loving each other is a family.Jai replied,Dhwani really makes everyone feel like they still have a life when everything seems shut down.Mehr smiled,She really does.


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