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Chapter 25- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Life can still be beautiful.

Dhwani came back along with her mother with two boxes of sweets,Aadi came running to them asking what they have brought.Maa replied,it's one for you and one for Jai as a return gift,he has come in our house for the first time,we should give him something,and what could bring smile except the sweets.Aadi replied,you are best naani.

Jai and Dhwani went to her room to have their practice session,Jai was looking happy,Dhwani asked what happen? He replied,I was talking with Di and I have just realised life can still be beautiful,no matter what happens.I got to know about Nikhil,I thought of sympathising her but Di is amazing,the way she thinks she has everything,love,child,family and specially a beautiful life ahead, why he need a man who doesn't want to stay.Dhwani looked at him,yes, Jai we can't live our whole lives complaining about not getting what we wished for while we have so many other things,might we even never wished for.

Jai replied in excitement,Dhwani that's so impressive,I have complained all my life about Dad and Mom to God,why they are not with me,but I always had grandma beside me.She loved me forever.I always cursed God for not giving me a family,but when today I saw Mehr Di believing she still got a family not like everyone else but more beautiful than that,I just felt Why I have wasted so many years complaining without realising I have a family too,it's just not like everyone else.

Dhwani was happy to see him being so positive about his life,even though it had been quite unfair to him.She kept looking at him with a smile while he kept showing new excitement.He said,let me text my Dad again to remind him about grandma's birthday,I used to think that I text him because I want him to have a feeling of having a family and he should care about it.But,it's not anymore same,I'll text him for my family,in which I and grandma are only members.My family cares about me,I will stop being sad thinking about my Dad and Mom.He text his father reminding him again to be there on grandma's birthday.

Then he looked back at Dhwani and took her hands in his,Dhwani will you be part of my family? It has been I and grandma all these years but then you came,and we started to feel complete,we started living again despite of so many storms,we kept sailing our lives with way more happiness than we used to.She replied,I am lucky to have you both in my life and you two are my family now.He smiled.

After a while,Mehr called their names saying dinner is ready,come downstairs let's start celebrations.Dhwani replied,coming Di,give us 5 minutes.

They both went downstairs,all of them gathered around the dining table,Aadi went into Dhwani's lap to blow candles along with her,Mehr Di took out his phone ti capture the moment while Jai decided to play "Happy Birthday to you" on ukulele which was taught to him by Dhwani,the first lesson of two of them.He played along with everyone sang "Happy Birthday to you" while Aadi and Dhwani blew candles and cut the cake.Then Jai took a selfie with everyone so that everyone will come.into one frame.

They sat down and had starters then dinner had everything what Jai likes.Dhwani's mom started conversation asking how is your grandma? He replied,She is doing great now,Doctors says if she keep recovering like this,they would be able to discharge her soon.Mom replied,that's great and what about your parents? Dhwani looked at her Mom because she never told about them to her mom and she didn't want to make Jai uncomfortable.Then she looked at Jai talking with her eyes said sorry from her mom's side.He blinked his eyes and smiled telling Dhwani it's okay.He said,Aunty my mom and dad got separated when I was just 3-4,I even don't remember that,my mom contacted us for few years then we lost touch with her and currently my dad is in London,so my family is just my grandma and I, and now happy to meet you everyone,I felt like home here.Aunty replied,Yes beta,consider this as your house too.Meanwhile Aadi,replied same same,I don't have Dad also.Mehr said,but Aadi you have mumma right? He replied,and she is best.Everyone smiled.

After Dinner,Jai look at his watch and said,so I think I should leave now.Dhwani's mom stopped him and asked Aadi to bring sweets box,and gave him as a gift saying god bless you and I wish your grandma will get discharged soon.He touched her feet and went downstairs with Dhwani.While Aadi was saying from balcony,come soon buddy,we will complete more levels together,He waved and replied,sure champ.Then he thought he must be forgetting something,he realise he forgot to give Aadi,chocolates what he brought.He took out the big box of chocolate which Aadi loved when earlier he sent it through Dhwani,and passed it to her,looking at balcony saying,Aadi your favourite chocolates.He shouted back,I love you.Jai replied,Love you too.

Dhwani said,You two have become so close in first meeting that's just wonderful,I never seen Aadi being frank with anyone so easily,He replied man things,you won't understand.She laughed.He put one hand in his pocket saying,I have something for you also,Dhwani said,but Jai you already have given me very expensive gift.Don't worry,this isn't expensive,just a small thing,he added.

He asked her to put her hand out and close her eyes,she did the same as asked.Jai put ukulele picks on her hand saying,now open your eyes.It had cute cartoons,teddies,penguins drawn over it,She became excited to see it said,It's so cute Jai.But Why you have given me this,you have meaning for everything,what's the meaning behind it? You remember when you played ukulele at cyber city.She replied,Yes then? Then we were at restaurant,I took your hand in mine and I noticed the cut from ukulele string,so it's for that.I don't want you to get hurt by anything,I will be there for you always to protect you from scratches to wounds to pain that can't heal.I will be there to protect you, Dhwani.She kept looking at him,her eyes got filled with tears,she replied,Jai I had never imagined to become such an important part of your life.Jai wiped her tears and replied,but you are.

Jai said,I should leave now,darling will be waiting for us,see you tomorrow,we have only 2 days left,let's start with final practice.She smiled back saying,I'll be there on time.She kept looking at his car until it went out of sight.

She came back upstairs,Di was sitting on sofa while her mother was making Aadi to sleep.She sat down,Di asked what is this seeing picks.She replied,this is ukulele picks,he gave me this because he saw cut on my finger after I performed at Cyber City.Di replied,Dhwani Do Jai know about Abhay? Dhwani face fell off.Di got the answer and said,I think Dhwani,he is falling for you,and it will be good if he gets to know about Abhay also.He knows everything about you except your past.Dhwani replied,Nothing like that Di,I think we are just two human being who are getting comfort in each others company.Nothing like love.

Di smiled saying,But it doesn't seems so and Dhwani,there is absolutely nothing wrong in that,if you two fall in love,you guys complete each other.She replied,Di we are just close friends.Di gave up on topic saying,If you two are even just close friends,tell him about Abhay.Okay,I'll if his topic came up ever,Dhwani added.Now please,Can we have coffee and you can't say no to birthday girl,my day still got an hour.Mehr Di smiled,okay birthday girl.

After Di left,she text him,"Jai,we are close friends,so in that case there shouldn't be any secrets between us,about our lives,just want to know,Do my past matters to you? Will it ever bother you?". Jai received text and thought to himself,that this text must be about Abhay and what could it be except they two have been in Love and he might have hurt her that's why she was rude to him,he told himself,no point to make her remember same thing again,it will only hurt her.He texted back- "Dhwani,it doesn't matter to me as long as,you are happy and it doesn't bothers you.Let it be just past,why we should recall it and get hurt,I am happy to know about you as far as I know about you,nothing matters to me except our friendship,and yes if anything bothers you ever,feel free to share,I'll listen to you".Dhwani smiled after seeing such reply texted back- "Thanks,drive safely,text me when you reach,Goodnight".He replied back,"Take care,Goodnight".

Di came back with two cups of coffee,Dhwani told her about the conversation she just had with Jai.Di said,he is really a nice person and I gave a thought to what you said Dhwani,sometimes when we don't look for something,we get everything,it is not necessary to find a soul mate to marry,sometimes friends become more closer than that.You two are made to sail through the sea together,may be and who knows better than me that,life without a man whom you can label as yours can still be beautiful.Dhwani smiled back.


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