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Chapter 21- Don't uglies have right to Love? - Last Sorry.

Dhwani reached upstairs,Jai was sitting on cemented blocks,seeing her coming stood up and came closer to her saying,Dhwani where were you? I know,I am stupid,I am so senseless,I didn't realise you were trying to help grandma.You were not picking up my call,I got so worried.I called you so many times,even texted you.I looked for you everywhere from parking to every floor,but you were nowhere,I am really not a good person.

He kept on saying,while Dhwani was looking at him imagining him as the child in Jai crying for his parents in childhood,the fearless Jai who fear at nights and doesn't sleeps,who cares too much for whom he loves and still hold all these things within him and never complaint for all the injustice which happened to him since forever.Jai interuppted her thoughts saying,Dhwani please answer me,where were you? Are you all right?

Dhwani didn't said anything with tears in her eyes hugged Jai.He hold her back and had tears by now said,I am sorry,I am really sorry.I will never ever shout on you,never I promise.I didn't want to hurt you.I should have asked you before ranting at you.I am so sorry,he added sobbing.Dhwani replied,Don't say anything Jai,please hold onto me for a while.I know,you already is going through so many things and you love grandma.If I would have been at your place,I might had misunderstood you.Jai said,still if god is doing injustice to me,I can't treat everyone like this.She said,Jai God does best for us,it's life.Then,it was silence for a brief time,while they both kept hugging each other.

Then Jai said making her sit on cemented floor passing her some water,I promise you,I'll never ever talk to you like this again.I am.feeling so guilty right now.Dhwani replied,no need to feel that way Jai,you remember you said,no sorry,no thankyou in friendship and I want to be your bestfriend ever,on which he replied,you already is.Jai sat on his knees,holding her hand said,please forgive me,she replied,already did but you have to buy me icecream.He smiled,I'll.Then Dhwani smiled back asking so,Last sorry? Promise? He replied, Yes, Last sorry, Promise!

They both sat on cemented blocks for a while looking up in sky,meanwhile Dhwani said,Jai grandma told me about your parents.Was that been really hard on you all these years? Jai smiled back,yes it had been sometimes because other times I always found comfort in grandma's lap.Kids used to tease me telling me,your mom has run away leaving you because you were bad kid.I used to got into fist fights but the I realised she really has run away not because I wasn't good kid,but because she never wanted me at first place.

Dhwani replied,Jai I am sorry but I saw the album in your bag few days back without your permission,I saw that one picture where were you just born and your parents had that usual kind of happiness on their face which all parents have,I think she wanted you.Jai snapped back,then why she left me.She is lost Dhwani,she even doesn't know if I am alive or not,we lost contact when I was too young.I understand her career goals but Did she ever cared to look back once.Do you have any answers? She kept quiet for few seconds realising the kind of hate Jai has for his parents said,I know she chose career over you,I understand your hatred towards them but you know grandma's condition.Have you informed them about this? 

Jai sipping some water to cover up his sore throat replied,I did but Mr. Kashyap is so busy with his meetings and big project plans told me, he will try so I replied, we have dealt our lives without him all these years,so do we can now.Dhwani you see, the person doesn't even bothering about his mother health who have raised him to become such succesful buisnessman.Dhwani replied,I see but Jai can I ask you something? He said, yes go please.She said,I know you have already asked him but could you just invite him once again for her birthday, I mean don't request him just drop an invitation.Jai took a deep breath to cool said,Okay only if you say,I will do.She smiled at him.

Later that evening,after Dhwani left,grandma asked how's dhwani,she was crying so much.Jai replied,Yes, darling,she is fine now,though she is so understanding,she realised the reason behind my actions.But I am still feeling so guilty for talking to her like this,she is really a sweet person.Grandma replied,She is so matured and have forgive you,so don't worry.Mistakes happen my child,it's just you realise and apologise.Jai said,I want to really do something for her,she has done a lot for us and in return of which I made her cried.I want to really make her feel special,whats she already is.Grandma replied,then don't waste any time plan something for her.You told me her birthday is in next two days,took her out for birthday eve,plan the evening just two of you,make her feel special.

Jai replied, Darling you are best! This is an amazing idea but there's one problem,I can't leave you here alone,Miss Rozy was listening to them throughout said,Jai you don't worry,I'll stay with her and I promise,I will take care of her and will not leave her alone for even a second.You go out with her.Grandma smiled saying,yes Rozy and we have a lot of gossips to do.She smiled back.Darling added,problem solved Jai,now please plan something good,don't you disappoint me and her.He smiled and hugged Miss Rozy saying, you ladies are always so supportive.

Jai started to think,where he could take her for birthday eve,thinking about her likes and dislikes,her choices,the places she have never been at,things she loves to do,food she likes and then he realised,he had not even bought any present for her.He said to himself, How could you be so stupid,now you have to plan the eve as well as think what you could give her as a present.

He remember, Dhwani always wear a scarf so he decide to gift her a pendant with her name engraved so she have something beautiful to wrap around her neck other than just scarf.Jai immediately picked out his phone to give pendant order to their jeweller.Then,kept thinking about,what he should do to make the eve memorable.He realised,that he haven't yet even asked her.

Jai kept typing the message to her for asking her out then drop it thinking what she would think.Then finally gathering courage,he called Dhwani,to ask her out and to change the environment between them two.Dhwani picked up the call saying,Hi Jai,Is everything okay? He replied,Yes absolutely okay.I was just practicing the song but I don't think the correct sound is coming out.Could you please help? She replied,umm might be tuning issue is there.Just tune it,it will work properly.He said,But I don't know how to do it.She said,Okay follow my steps.Take out your electronic tuner.He said,but I don't know where It is.She told him,to check side pocket of his ukulele bag,she had put that in there.He found it.She said,okay now put the tuner on your lap of clip it on the headstock and pluck the strings. It will then show the note you are playing. Use the tuning pegs to get the desired note.He tuned the strings one by one.Finally played the ukulele and replied,hey it's good to go now.

Dhwani said,great keep practicing,you are going good.He said,thanks then there was silence between two,she said after a pause,okay then see you tomorrow.He said,okay goodnight.She was about to hung up,when Jai stopped her saying,Dhwani can I ask you something? She said go ahead,He took a pause as he was nervous saying this and asked,Will you like to come out with me on your birthday eve tomorrow? If you don't mind,please.She replied in broken words,Jai how can I,I mean who will look after grandma.He immeditaley said,don't worry about that,Miss Rozy will stay with her,I have planned everything already.She again took a pause thinking something.Jai interrupting her thoughts said,Please come or else I'll think you still are angry with me.She said,nothing like that buddhu.Okay I'll come with you tomorrow evening after our session.Jai became so happy and said thanks.

They were about to hang up again,Dhwani said, so it's going to be a date? He laughed saying,as you say mam.It's your birthday.They both laughed,then wished good night to each other.

After hanging up,Dhwani kept smiling thinking about Jai's kind gesture and the way he makes everything back normal so easily.


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