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Chapter 1: I Found Love in most unexpected place.

It was the time of winter still the weather wasn't chilling much. Then I met her, and when I came out the clouds became dense the air started touching my face rubbing gently cold of winter less but more warm of love.
Huh. These banks are really frustrating. Long queues, bunches of paper everywhere, lost pens, rush, tapping noise of keyboard, krrrrrrrrrr sound of money counting machine, zrrrr sound of printing statement machine and sad part is one had to put lot of time even for the minor work. I took my phone out and saw it's been 1.5 hour already, I am stuck at the most mundane place on the earth, suddenly somebody tapped on my shoulder, I looked back and I was struck by her deep brown eyes and there was a small mole the beauty mark just below her left eye. Can I borrow your pen? Her lips went up and down like keys of keyboard making euphonic sound to my ears. I lost my heart at that very moment. She repeated excuse me. I came back to my senses and smiled yes sure. I gave her my pen our finger tips touched and I felt the sensation running through my spine and my heart raced like I have been in love with her since ages. They went to one of the desk and start filling her form, from the one corner of the bank, I kept looking at her, her hair strands falling onto the paper and she keeps them again and again behind her ear. She turned to return my pen, I start watching here and there. I kept telling myself stop reyansh stop feeling nervous but with every step she was taking towards me, my heart was pumping way more than It had ever pumped. She came near returned my pen holding papers in her another hand, I was damn nervous to have control over by anybody part my hands went here and there and her paper fell down along with my pen my stuff. She laughed and I swear all of my cells which knows how to fall in love were already in love with her now. I started collecting papers for her and me and returned her. Sorry miss. She smiled and said thank you. She started moving out of the bank and I started wishing I could see her face once again with her every step my heart was like please turn, turn, turn please once but she didn't and left the bank. I ran towards her to see last glimpse of her but she was out of sight.

To be continued…
Lets see whether reyansh will meet that deep brown eye girl again.


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