Mom how small the word is but how big emotions lies within. No matter, you are girl or boy everyone is just so attached with Mom. Moms have magic, they do have. How their home made food relief our hunger, what no outside food can't. How their saree veil can wipe our tears, which can't be wiped by any pillow. How they know something troubling us, even when we are expert hiding behind the mask. How they hide our mistakes, become the savior from papa. How they never give up on us, no matter how many times we have shown her, your son or daughter is just failure.How she manages with her old clothes, but buy us new every time.How she don't sleep, until you reach home. There are a million things she does without asking anything in return which I couldn't scribble. The efforts of a MOTHER is inexpressible.❤️
No money could return her favors, she had done till we were just mere cells. But Yes, there are few things you can give her.
Many a time, we are upset and shout on our Moms. You know what this breaks her, not because you shout. She starts thinking what's bothering her child. Have you ever thought about it?
Many a time, we leave food saying what have you cooked, I don't like this. It breaks her, not because you said those rude words. She starts worrying you will sleep without eating anything. Have you ever thought about it?
Many a time, we complain our mom, she doesn't give us enough money. She doesn't let us go late night parties. We all think, she isn't giving us our space and freedom. But we never understand the care behind. She might be saving money for our future only. She cares what if anything happens wrong. Have you ever thought about it?
Many a time will never end. And we will never think about any of them.
She just needs your love, your respect, your care and above all of it, she wishes for only your happiness.
Don't break the only person with whom you could do wrong as many times, still you get love which is immortal.
If any of above makes you remember the time, when you did hurt her. Its not late yet, go to her. Just hug her and tell her You love her. She is the best MOM. 💞
Why its only on mothers day.lets make them feel special today. 😍
A poem on mothers love and care.💕
Poem title: World. 💜
She is not just mom She is world in our little home,
She keeps us safe 9 months in her womb,
She is not yours, hers or mine,
She looks after everyone to assure they are fine.
She is not just mom She is world in our little home,
sitting miles far she could sense her child's even little scar,
little cough on phone call becomes the topic of every call she goes make so far,
When every piece of heart breaks,
She embraces.
She is not just mom
She is world in our little home,
She is shelter even without home.
Words can't describe her in any verse.
She is the meaning of Love in Universe.
She is not just mom
She is world in our little home,
We may lack to tell her how much she means to us,
Even in prays she asks all the happiness only for us.
How words can put feelings for her.
She is always ahead us having sword.
Though she may know nothing but having her in your life is what makes it having everything.
WOW great pallavi