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Be the light.πŸ•―️

A lady went to the reputed school with her little baby girl for her admission.She was questioned about her little girl's father.And the silence prevailed in the room.The lady quiet for a moment said I don't know who is her father.The principal gave her a rejection look like she is someone who should be banned from the society.He laughed and said why you want her to study make her what you are and asked her to leave,he can't give admission to the dirty blood.The lady didn't requested nor she cried.She boldly said "Yes, I don't know who is her father.I am a prostitute.We don't have husbands,we have lovers who just love us for a night and left.We don't get permanent love.We don't get respect.We are meant to be just played.Nobody sees the heart behind the scars.We don't wear mangal sutra or sindur neither we could get in our life nor it is necessary for my child to get the good education.People see what we do,not the reason behind why we are intend to do this.I was 6 year old, for better education my father sent me with my uncle to the city.As I reached there, I realised he sold me for money better education was just a dream,my dream vanished.I became numb.The life started shattering infront of my eyes.I tried to escape but all were in vain.I accepted the bitter truth of my life.Then this little baby girl came,I started worrying what if she will ask about her father.Then I remember my father,what kind of man he was.My daughter don't need father in his life.She should live without this relation her whole life.I was happy,she will be saved from the own monster people.But how I will save her from people like you,you know what she isn't the dirty blood.You people are dirt to the society.You people don't think the cause behind which forced a girl to sell her body,her soul and her self respect.And what you said she should become what I am.No,she will become what she wants to be.She won't step in this society.She will be the revolution.She will alive my dead soul.She will live my dream to get better education.I will make her educated, for sure not in a school where she won't get respect which is her right.I will save her life like somebody should have saved mine".The lady stand up to leave meanwhile the little baby girl said to the principal "you are nice uncle,nice to meet you".Principal bowed down his head in shame and realised the little girl deserves all the respect,the innocent heart haven't done anything wrong,the society is being wrong.They left.

More than 1.2 million child and girls are being drowned in this profession.
Save thier life.
Real man never buy a girl.
Be a real man.
Be the change in society.
Many of little baby girl's suffer every year for none of thier fault.
This Diwali light someone else life.Drag people out of the dark. 🌼


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