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How to make come back to your hobbies?

I am one of the person like you,lost in professional life feeling no motivation to make come back to my writing talent but somehow it happenend, it happens in a moment when your will says you need to move on from where you are,you need to grow yourself,you need to be better version of yourself.It happens in that moment.

My moment has came, I am here sharing how I achieved it back. Hope it turns someone's life back on the tracks whose traces are no more left.

1. Introspection: I agree we don't have time for anything in our daily hustle bustle of life, But have you ever wondered whatever we are doing whatever we are earning is always for somebody either our families either for our own living but Does it actually lets you live? Are you stuck here to find an answer, If yes then man you need to introspect yourself to find where you are.You have lost yourself in the red signals of traffic, you are vanishing under the smoke of cars,you are hiding under the documents on your desk,you are slowly and slowly dying under the poison of your black coffee who surely keeps you awake but do nothing to make your life awake.

Tip: Atleast for 5 minutes in starting and gradually increasing it to 30 minutes, give time to yourself to seek yourself within you. Make goals for yourself, kickstart your standstill life since years with something that drives you crazy.

2. Worship your talent: We all worship, we all have faith in some God, We can worship daily which we can't see or touch then why we avoid our talents. Stop not being proud of what you have as a gift in the form of your talent because not everyone might have the same as yours.People do struggle to attain something that is there already within you and you just need to seek it out.

Lesson: You can achieve literally everything in your life and lost yourself or you can just achieve literally everything in your life without losing the true identity of yours.Choice is yours.

3. Spend Some Weekends for you: Nobody is Monday person and We all wait for Fridays, but the way we wait for it.Do we utilise it that way? Most of the people spend it sleeping,doing nothing,watching movies and wandering here and there, I agree spend time with your loved ones but Can we just pull few moments saved just for ourselves doing what we love spending time with our hobbies exploring more of ourselves.

Goal: Bring out your old color pallet and let your imagination do wonder on the canvas,bring out your old dusted diary that you used to pen down your long gone thoughts,let your guitar feel some fresh air and spread melodies into the air,cook something delicious once you have watched on cookery show,Don't wait for buying DSLR take your android camera on a walk and capture best things you see around,Don't wait for views and comments buzz your notifications just go ahead and create another video for your completely shut YouTube channel,Don't worry about the views/likes on Tiktok keep moving your feet on the rhythm of your heart.


4. Join the Hands: Do you feel like there's no motivation for moving ahead? This blog can make us motivated now,but after few days we will forget everything that we have read and we'll fall at same place where we were. Do you have any of the above feelings so for that I have solution. When you walk alone, you cover distances,When you walk with people,you cover differences. Do join hands with others who want to cover differences not distances, speak up, communicate with the people of your same interest, appreciate others, learn from others, follow someone with your same interest on instagram,join groups with similar people, try finding people to be your partners in your hobbies time and If you don't have anyone, don't you worry, the biggest power lies within you, biggest friend and enemy of yours is only you.Be friend of yours, do things with your innerself, enjoy the beauty of being just with you.

Tip: If you are a writer, join yourquote or create your own blog.If you are a dancer/home chef/videomaker, create youtube channel of yours.If you are a painter/photographer, go ahead creat instagram page to show the word your creativity.

There's no limit of sky, if you really want to fly. Open your wings and enjoy your flight.


  1. Aha! what a wonderful blog ! It reminds us to open up the shelves of our lives. 😊

    1. Thanks for the reading and actually making it to of some meaning😍

  2. good writing...keep going lil sister...

  3. Very motivating blog. This blog will touch everyone's inner sole and reminds them to be the same as they used to be.

    1. Thankyou shubhneek. If it touches someone's soul it will be huge respect for the blog.


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