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Chapter 6: I Found Love in the most unexpected place.(Part-2)

It's almost been half a month,and a full life here that I never lived in Delhi.The days looks like,they are mine.Akash has been constantly making me fall in love with me absolutely a little more everyday,Somewhat I am seeing myself from his eyes.How he notices my little blush,how he guides me through the career,how he do everything perfect for me and okay I admit may be may be a little,i feel too for him.May be more than love,I am practical now.If we would make a couple,it would be good we share same career fields,sort of same aspirations and can lead a good life together hope so.

I woke up packed my all unwashed clothes finding at least one pair to wear but everything is unwashed,the bad part of living away from home.Everything remains messed up.I called him and asked is there any nearby shop from where I could get a tee,he said wait I am coming.He was at the door after 15 minutes with batman printed tee of him and said you can wear this if you won't mind it's mine,I said no no please let's go buy one for me.Please wear this you are getting already late for your bus,I am booking the cab.I replied No its awkward.He replied take it and return once you come back it will be good to have smell of you always near after that.K blushed,nowadays he kept saying such things and I keep blushing without saying a word.I was leaving for Delhi for 2 days for a government exam for which I haven't prepared a single subject.I wore his tee and he came with me in the cab to drop me at the bus stop,the bus was about to leave.We had just last 5 minutes,he brought one water bottle and asusual morning packed sandwich for the way.He started making conversation telling me he has applied for job in Noida that is kind of part of Delhi.He looked straight in my eyes and said I won't let you go so easy.I smiled back and said all the best for tomorrow give your best.The horn started making quiet noise now,I handshake and started turning towards the bus,but he kept hold on the hand and didn't let slip away from his,We made another eye contact and this has the same intensity that how It had earlier on very first day I saw him around the college campus and whispered slowly in my ears-"You are my destiny,I will clear the interview,next time we will go together I promise".I noddes almost like a child making way more cute expression and blush that could bear my cheeks and left the place.
Why It's always,you came closer when you go far.It's been 4 hours just I have reached in Delhi and I am.missing him.lkke hell,his presence something is not there.I am.feeling vacant and blank.I kept looking at my hand all the way.I really want to go back and tell him we need to be together,we should be,we have to and I feel like we are picture perfect couples of ordinary lives and example of power couple who would touch sky in near future together.How I am supposed to spent two days here while I left my heart in Chandigarh.♥️
He called me in night,I made excuse to sleep alone to my family to study that was obvious lie,it was just for Mr.tiwari.For the first time we started talking about our families,he showed me pictures of his native house that was in Uttar Pradesh small town,and told everything about his family business there that was farming.He belongs to really small town or I should say village.I felt bit weired that how would be make up to this,or how would I end up landing at this place for entire life but interrupting all my thoughts he said I miss you Sia,I know you must be thinking how would we survive there if we are going to be couple.right? I didn't replied.He kind of have started understanding my silence too.Look Sia,I understand your worries,you are big town girl and I agree there is no future in that small village.I can't pull out my parents from.their grounds,its thier everything in that soil.But definitely we will not live there.We will be doing jobs in big cities like Chandigarh,Pune or bangalore.We never going to live there.I felt satisfied.I replied you are good son and I am happy to see you understand my silence too.Lets sleep now goodnight.He replied goodnight.I was about to disconnect he interrupted and said Sia I miss you come soon.I missed every bit you.I smiled.I was about to disconnect he said hey Sia I love you.
I smiled and disconnected.I wish I could see him now even I missed him alot.It's love definately,when you are at home after mess food and hostel messy life and all you want to go back with every passing second.

Note: Drug probably had started working in Sia's mind and heart.let's see how ordinary couples have story endings.


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