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Chapter 5: I Found Love in the most unexpected place.(Part-2)

Something was happening that I couldn't resist myself from.Was that smile or was that his talks that don't let me sleep nowadays, in night.It's been a week here,and there isn't a single day I had my breakfast.My nights have become long with him wandering in the campus for long walks grabbing evening tea together and my breakfast have become his packed sandwiches for me placed daily on my desk in lab.Every hour of my day is being just around him.He is always around.Like I had been in my past relationship,Sia wasn't same anymore.I talk less but he makes more conversation,it seems like He is now like me,like I used to be.He is more into me.It's been long time,I have tasted or smell care and love like things.He was all of it.Simple,gentle,sweet,caring and everything a good guy to be.I am not sure its love its friendship or what it is.In lab, he used to steal looks from behind the burette,long walks makes our fingers touch and its all love kinda feeling rush down my spine.But it was too soon for me.So I am more like a pupa scared to come out of the cocoon to live as free butterfly.
But the moment came,today he missed our evening tea and then walk,I felt strange.It's been almost 13 days and he never done that and that too without informing me.Okay Why I am worrying that a question but you know how girls are like.I grabbed samosa with tea and sat one of the corner not trying to look for him but I was.Suddenly,my phone beeped it was him.It was a text message sorry for not being around can we work tonight in the lab? We are little slow with our project and we have just 45 days.See you there @11:30 pm sharp after dinner.I replied okay I will come.
I always knew he is way more serious in his work than me.So I had dinner and reached well on time but lab was closed.I thought he must be having keys,I called him but he hung up.I redialled then suddenly a creek sound broke the silence around and he appeared.He was inside and the door was locked from inside.I don't know what he was up to he smelled fresh,well shaved and he has put on his perfume which seems unusual for the lab.He looked different.We started making our regular discussions about what procedure should we follow next,which reactions we are going to do under what circumstances,and a lot more.He asked me to do reaction and he will do some research work.I took out all the necessary chemicals from.the Almira then I started opening almirah having beakers but It was locked.I called him for help.He asked what you need? Beaker please.I replied.We were at quite long enough distance as it was huge well maintained lab of uncountable equipments suddenly light off and I shift my gaze to look for some help K saw him coming towards me with a candle in his hand and his face has different glow and lips little curved and I noticed beaker in other hand.He came near a little closer and looked straight into my eyes and a lit candle pouring into wax between us just two of us seems woke up in the city.He handed over the beaker and took few steps back.I was having no clue what is happening exactly I saw a heart made on the beaker with red marker and some initials were made black marker in between A.S which means Akash and Sia.My heart fastened and I couldn't stop my blush.He was proposing.He was actually doing that.Then when I shift my gaze to him,he bent on one knee having a ring and just said two lines making damn eye contact.
"Will you be my lab partner for life? I am disease and you are the only cure?"
I was surprised shocked and not in a state to answer.It all was so soon and if he is genuine ,I really needs to be true to him,Somehow I muster up some courage and said Akash we are good at being lab partners but life is what lie outside this lab.I am still knowing and understanding who is akash tiwari.I need some time.We are good together.Sorry if I am.spoiler but I am just honest.I like you but give me sometime.He smiled so wasn't expected stand straight and said take yours we have still days in this lab,take this ring along with you.Whenever it is yes,just wear it.I will wait.I have never felt the way I feel for you,I know it's soon but I really want you to know how much I love you.I smiled back and took the ring and went to my room.No phone call today,because I really need my time to introspect what I need from.this life.This lab,lab guy,ring or my fate is something new from.this.

Note: It seeks you.I told you.It won't let you go.How love comes around no one can guess but time is real cure.I understood.Lets see time pains or heals.


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