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World's best boyfriend, Nah He is my World.

Today is boyfriend's day.

Love,friendship,relationships and happiness never needs a day to be celebrated, it is an emotion that is celebrated when every time couple look into each other eyes,when every time friends don't miss a single chance to tease each other,when every time sister doesn't share her last piece of chocolate,when every time your brother tells you how much not beautiful you are, when every time family gets together to cherish the moments of life and when every time you feel so lucky to have the happiness around.

Celebrating such small events seems cheesy, Right? But remember Days might come and go but essence of togetherness and love stays. Celebrate each moment in your life.

Girls, Is your boyfriend is just world's best boyfriend or the world for you?

Boys, Are you doing it great or she is still wondering for world in you?

Let's check out.

1. Is he cage or shelter?
I as a girl always wonder to fly high in open sky with my invisible wings, but always looked for someone who would save me from eagle's eye. Best boyfriend is one who is always there to protect you but never let you be independent, never let you take decisions of your own but you know boyfriend could be world if he sets you free,who puts confidence in you to be saviour of your own, who listen your opinions and most importantly trust you without any doubts.

2. Does he goes just miles with you or an extra mile?
I as a girl always wanted someone who can go beyond my expectations, who can actually make me realise there is some love beyond the meaning of Love. Boyfriend can walk with you through the life without doing little things that matters to life but world is one who goes beyond meaning of little things. Who isn't less than any superman for his life superwoman, who is afraid of singing but sing aloud to make her smile,who is bad at dancing but still dare to do couple dance for her happiness, exactly the one who puts everything down for you.

3. Is he just a boyfriend or you can count everything in him?
I as a girl needs different people at different moments of my life.Not everything and everyone you could have in your life.But surely you could have that one single person who can be everything to you.Boyfriends understands just his girl but world understands every ounce of her inner soul. World be there when you need a warm hug of your soul mate,when you need a fist bump on your victories from your friend,when you catch cold because you drink cold water and really needed to be scold as mother,when you do big things in your life and want to see proud moments in eyes of your father,when you have gossips around the office and you need your bitching partner,when you are bad at getting ready and he stays there to put the makeup on, who revives you in pubg ground and In short world is one which makes every need of yours fulfilled.

For me my boyfriend is my world 😍 He sets me free, he is one who is always there to put an extra effort to make things easy for me,who have made things beautiful around me,he is one I can rely on and I can count him for everything I need. He deserves to be my world, who has made the world awesome to live in and live for. I cherish every single second spent with him and will cherish for the entire life. He is inspiration to this blog.

Girls, Don't get upset if you get to count negative points, It's a day where you both could just talk about the things to abridge the gap between boyfriend and the world. No relationship is perfect, who put efforts becomes the one.May be you could be his world.

Boys, realise the value of little things in your life. Don't go big, go small but go for value,put efforts. Wonderwomens also make mistakes, talk about it, don't shout, don't fight, just for a single time sit and discuss about it.

Little by Little put the bricks of your love so strong, day by day your relationships gets stronger.


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