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Those blunt Decisions.

We all have doubts, doubts about what is right and what is wrong,doubts about choosing the best for ourselves,doubts about whatever we are doing is it worth to do or not,doubts about our relationships,doubts about career paths and what not.There's always a doubt while making big decisions.

Everyone wants to be just get assured that the best path is being picked.But in the middle of if's and but's life lies.That big decisions in your life won't going to be easy on you,that's the harsh reality of life.

Here are few tips to keep in mind when in doubt and big decision is waiting for you to take:

1. Always be mindful: Yes, rule no. 1 always be mindful of things you do, be confident about what you want in your life,stand stiff on your opinions and most importantly be thoughtful about future as well while making bigger decisions in life.Just make sure,you never regret it later or even if you do, you are strong enough to take the blame.

2. Find inner peace and Happiness: If you are ever in doubt while making decision and you are in a situation where you are unable to actually choose what is best and there's just all chaos in mind. Think of all the possible decisions and analysis what is actually giving you happiness. Nothing is important in life more than your inner peace and happiness. There's no right or wrong when it comes to bring happiness for oneself.

3. Accept harsh realities: There always comes a time when you find yourself stuck, you see yourself in the middle where one decision could hurt someone and other would hurt someone else.Accept these harsh realities in your life, you can't just make everyone happy, this is just a part of adulthood. People will get disappoint from you but you know what matters you always do great wherever you are, you shouldn't be disappointed from yourself ever. Try hard to make as much people as much you can happy.

4. Never look back: Always stand on what you choose,never regret,never look back and never give up. No matter how tough your decision might fall on you, be brave enough to face it all. Always seek happiness in your own made choices.Sometimes your decisions could be wrong,harsh on you later but you know what never let your hopes down always look up for better and better opportunities and ways in life.

Hope your decisions wouldn't be much difficult to take anymore.If you follow the above rules.

No matter wherever you stand, it's always okay to discuss your situations with someone you trust,you love and you can rely on in your life.Even If it wouldn't make your situation easy still would give you mental support for sure.

Open up,shout out and make blunt decisions.


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