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Papa,Best Teacher.♥️

Yes I am a girl,still I ain't the daughter of my home,I am the son of the house.This belongs to my father,yet he isn't physically present but no doubt his blood in my viens,the morals he brought into me,the thoughts he had which influnced me to be what I am today that is firstly the human being than Pallavi Joshi.This blog belongs to the person who taught me life lessons in just minute time at the age of where even addition subtraction used to seem really tough for me.We don't just lost life of a single person,we lost the entire backbone the support of the family when the person be the Dad.But what we never can lost is thier presence in our hearts,years back today I lost him as well I lost the faith in God.I blamed cursed the God uncountable times for my lose,I was just a kid who was begging to have few more moments with her hero of the life.I grew up believing what happend to me was just so unfair,I lost someone so precious.Today I am at the age of 22,When I look back I see younger me and smile how stupid I was to blame curse and everything,thats just the rule of life.When I see elder me,I realised from the begining what I tried ever was to be like him,I try to follow my dad whenever something bad happens to me and even he isn't here,he made my life still.He never left me,actually never.I constantly tries to discover memories from my childhood with him as I was too small but I have a really sharp memory,I remember every detailings of the moments.He is my life who made me learn alot as I told in my previous blog there's no big teacher than your own life.He made me learn how to heal as he was doctor by profession,not just to heal yourself out of the pain but others too because it gives you much more happiness.He was specially challenged and it really made me a fighter whatever may be the problem,I am always ready to face it all.He was the person who stood smiling even in the bad times supporting his family in every possible way,it made me learn to never loose hope,to stand till the last breath for your own people.He was optimistic person which really pick me up whenever things seems not fine.He never even had thoughts lf wrong doings,it made me be a little more pure by heart.He led the life of really kind person who lives in the heart of people still.I feel proud when someone still calls me from his name Are you bitto's daughter? And this is the motive of my life,to create my name like his people would remember me for ages.As I always says Your life isn't worth,if you haven't done anything for which you should be remembered.Whatever I write is reflection of his teachings,whatever I have achived and aspire to be is just to make his name sound a bit more proud.All those years made me strong not ruff,I have become.more responsible, more independent and most of it more confident because of him only, he used to say I am his "beta" and All I living and doing is to prove it true.I miss you papa.
I love you.
I know you must be watching me through somewhere in the form of star that used to shine a bit more that was all I looked at to find the shadow of yours in some physical form.
This little love belongs to my Papa.♥️


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